Aplicaciones Cloud

Drupal: aplicação cloud

Drupal pronto em segundos com o melhor catálogo de aplicações para o seu servidor cloud.
Drupal grátis com o seu servidor cloud


Drupal is a flexible open source content management system which allows you to create many different projects.

Its extensive features for assigning functions and rights make Drupal also suitable for collaborative article editing.

This content management system is characterized by a simple installation, a user-friendly interface and easy handling of multiple language versions.

Thanks to its role-based rights system, Drupal is also suitable for collaborative article editing.

This content management system has been developed as a multi-platform and runs inter alia on Apache, Nginx and Microsoft IIS Web Servers.

Thanks to the database abstraction layer, you can connect Drupal to SQLite, MySQL / MariaDB and PostgresSQL databases.

The connection to Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and MongoDB is possible through the installation of expansion modules.

Furthermore, Drupal supports HTML-5 and provides powerful programming interfaces and frameworks for developers.

The functionality can be continuously extended through a wide range of modules.

Ative já o seu servidor cloud com Drupal

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Data center:
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Servidor Cloud Pro Cloud Pro Server Servidor Cloud Pro Serveur Cloud Pro Tu Servidor Cloud sencillo para que puedas
iniciar tu proyecto en la nube.
Your simple Cloud Server to get
your project started in the cloud.
O seu simples Cloud Server para iniciar
o seu projecto na nuvem.
Votre simple serveur cloud pour démarrer
votre projet dans le cloud.
30 días Gratis 30 days Free 30 dias Grátis 30 jours Gratuit después (máx.)after (max.)depois (máx.)après (max.) 8,50€/mes€/month€/mês€/mois

Ver condições promocionais

  • Aprovisionamento em segundos
  • Até 5 servidores Cloud
  • Até 32 GB de RAM por servidor (máx. 3,5 euros/GB mês)
  • Até 8 vCPUs por servidor (máx. 3,5 euros/vCPU mês)
  • Transferência grátis e ilimitada
  • Ligação entre servidores com redes privadas
  • Distribuição do tráfego HTTP/HTTPS com equilibradores de carga
  • Firewall perimetral e acesso seguro através de VPN SSL

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A tranquilidade de poder confiar nos peritos da cloud

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